

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 7 months ago

We've moved to 27dinner.com


At long last... we have a new home! 27dinner.com is where you can now find event info, sign up for dinners and interact with the 27 community. We hope you enjoy the new site - please let us have your feedback and ideas as to what we can improve, via the contact form. This wiki will stay here for historical interest :)



27-24 Jozi 27th May 2008






The Password to edit this page is techbum





Primi Melrose Arch (I promise I'll confirm with the venue this time - Mike :P)





18h30 for 19h00








Any other sponsorship/s are welcome, contact mike@cerebra.co.za to arrange.





19h00 - Ramon Thomas: Trimming Technology Stress in a Wireless World.

He explores the Paradox of Choice - why less is more. How to make better decisions in the Attention Age. And practical tips to reduce or elimate stress from caused by cellphones, emails, the Web and other technologies in the 21st century.


19h30 - JH-01 (Jason Hobbs) www.jh-01.com

Jason is presenting on the outcomes of two-odd years of research into Internet Cafes in and around Johannesburg. The full presentation can be found in it's original form as presented at the 2007 IA Summit in Las Vegas on Slideshare.






Limited to 100 geeks due to space constraints of the venue.


Add your name to this list if you're coming, take it off if you can't make it. If you have any issues editing the wiki, then you can email mike@cerebra.co.za.


  1. Mike Stopforth mike at cerebra dot coza (MC)
  2. Ramon Thomas (NETucation)
  3. Brian Carl Brown brian at bcat dot co dot za www.bluecatalyst.co.za
  4. Heinrich Schwella (heinrich at brightshark dot co dot za)
  5. Don Goodson (dgoodson_oxford@yahoo.co.uk)
  6. Mzi Ndlovu (mzi@whitewallweb.com)
  7. Tony Lopes - webspaza at gmail dot com
  8. Timothy Mogogole, www.attri-media.com
  9. Chris Spring - chris dot spring at gmail dot com
  10. Heidi Schneigansz (heidi at snowgoose dot co dot za) (27 virgin)
  11. Rozz Atanassova (rozze2 at gmail dot com) (also an innocent newbie)
  12. Richard Walton ( richard at johnboydotcodotza )
  13. Lethabo Mashike ( www.netevolution.co.za )
  14. Neil Croft ( info at smsbug dot com )
  15. Peter Maree ( name and surname by g m a i l . c o m )
  16. Antonia Morgado (antoniamorgado dot blogspot dot com)
  17. Ray Orton
  18. Des Snyman
  19. Sepanta Bagherpour
  20. Gisela Kotze
  21. Claire O'Doherty
  22. Simon Hudson
  23. Paul Storry www.mapexchange.co.za
  24. Catherine Munjoma (catherine dot munjoma at standardbank dot co dot za)
  25. Gustav Bertram (constantflux.co.za)
  26. Fiona Budd (balletbudd@webmail.co.za) My apologies - I need to cancel, have to attend a work function... :-(
  27. Noto Modungwa noto @ ardentsolutions dot coza
  28. Simone Puterman (simone at bizcommunity dot com)
  29. Donna McCallum (donna at fairy godmother inc dot com)
  30. Carmen Douglas (carmen at fairy godmother inc dot com)
  31. Nick Herbert (nick at imob dot co dot za)
  32. David Theron (david at imob dot co dot za)
  33. David Appleyard (david dot appleyard at operainteractive dot co dot za)
  34. Grant Sidwell (grant dot sidwell at gmail dot com) Flying in from the UK 15th May
  35. Alex Milovanovich (alex@africanwizard.co.za)
  36. Nic Haralambous - SA Rocks (editor@sarocks.co.za) - not a virgin, um, a 27 dinner Virgin.... ;)
  37. Craig Rodney
  38. Chad Cleevely
  39. Monica Meyer
  40. Goolam Desai (Ghdesai at investec dot co dot za)
  41. Jaco Meiring (meiringmeister at gmail dot com)
  42. Philip de Kock(Fantus Technologies)
  43. Johann de Kock (Fantus Technologies)
  44. Abby Wakama ( Netevolution )
  45. Lukas de Ridder ( Netevolution )
  46. Kate Elphick (katee@digitalbridges.co.za)
  47. -Annicia Manyaapelo (annicia@nich-innovations.com-)
  48. -Lesego Majatladi (lesego@ourfacets.com) -
  49. Darret King - Weddinic
  50. Mongezi Mtati - aQuaNova.co.za I was called another business engagement.
  51. (This Slot was open)- P e t e r M a r e e Faxcom/BDS/DeTroubler Live Dir Recovery Product Manager
  52. Ewan Sellers (ejs at live dot co za)
  53. Christine Anderssen
  54. Travis Booth
  55. Ann Williams (2B Marketing) First none'll come and then a lot'll - emergency job come up www.marketingblog.co.za


  1. Denis Pita
  2. Nicolle van Rensburg nicollevr@cellsmart.co.za We are unfortunately have our MD up at short notice
  3. -Renier Bester --renierb@cellsmart.co.za- We are unfortunately have our MD up at short notice
  4. -Raffaele McCreadie --raffaelemc@cellsmart.co.za-We are unfortunately have our MD up at short notice
  5. Herman Wallis hermanw@cellsmart.co.za
  6. Nia Martiz (DBS Human Capital)
  7. Derik Mocke (Friday Feeling) - Derik will speak at the next 27Dinner in July
  8. Stuart Caldwell
  9. Antoinette Uys
  10. Lisa Cohn lisa@jh-01.com
  11. Jason Hobbs jason@jh-01.com
  12. Kathy Jenks kathy@jh-01.com
  13. Thomas Blatcher thomas@blatch.co.za
  14. Lonwabo Jobodwana (www.kuhleapha.blogspot.com)
  15. Heiko Tillwick
  16. Nikki Hill
  17. Philippe Pache - philippe@straighttwisted.co.za
  18. Zoi Mitakidis - zoi.mitakidis@tbwa.co.za
  19. Asha Ranchhod - Asha.Ranchhod@standardbank.co.za
  20. Deleen Levy
  21. -Nelson Camara - --nelson@franchisefinance.co.za-
  22. David Ribeiro
  23. Vincent Hofmann - Moral Fibre
  24. Talita Myburgh - Moral Fibre
  25. Peter Orsmond - Trendspotting.co.za
  26. Pearl Seigel
  27. Stone Chirwa
  28. Simon Tzu
  29. Mary Mzumara - mary dot mzumara at quirk dot biz
  30. Jeanette Mahao - jeanette dot mahao at quirk dot biz
  31. Rainer Schmid - rainer dot schmid at quirk dot biz
  32. Doug Vining - FutureNova futurenova.goingon.com
  33. Bheku Msimanga - Bytes Healthcare Solutions
  34. brent tollman
  35. Andrew Glanville
  36. Tshepiso Mnisi (tmnisi@investec.co.za)





  1. Joey da Silva (joey at formfunction dot co dot za) - Will probably not make it up to Jozi this time.
  2. Saul Kropman (saul at saulk dot co dot za) - Realised I have an exam the next day. The next time though!
  3. Walter Pike (walter@pike.co.za, walterpike@gmail.com) SORRY BEEN BOOKED TO SPEAK at another function - so must withdraw. On next time - OK
  4. Dominic Moss I will unfortunately have to pull out to do an urgent game capture in the Kruger
  5. Apologies guys things didnt work out this time. SimonB
  6. André Clements urgh... still moving house :-/
  7. Arné Klopper - sorry --- deadlines are tha bomb...
  8. Melissa Wittstock
  9. Dewald Pelser --- yip - the deadlines
  10. Andrew Timberlake (andrew at andrewtimberlake dot com) - Would have liked to come but work pressure is not allowing it.
  11. Ingrid Rubin ingrid@longtail.co.za - apologies but will not be able to make it this time
  12. Vaughn du Preez - SD&D
  13. Brandon Tancott - SD&D Deadlines looming,timing sucks,again! AAAARRRG!
  14. Annicia Manyaapelo - Apologies, working on an urgent brief
  15. Lesego@ourfacets.com


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