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Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 2 months ago



We've moved to 27dinner.com



At long last... we have a new home! 27dinner.com is where you can now find event info, sign up for dinners and interact with the 27 community. We hope you enjoy the new site - please let us have your feedback and ideas as to what we can improve, via the contact form. This wiki will stay here for historical interest :) 


If you want to add your name to the list for the next dinner in your area please click on the appropriate link:


Jozi Cape Town Pretoria Durban Port Elizabeth


Join the Facebook Group for Updates and Reminders

Give some Feedback



What is 27 all about?


27 is a get together, held on the 27th day of each month for geeks, marketers, entrepreneurs, writers, media practitioners, speakers - well, just about anybody who is keen - to share ideas and news and opinions over food and drink. Alternating monthly between Jozi and Cape Town, now also in Pretoria (kindof) Durban and PE, 27 is open to anyone who wants to attend (and/or contribute).


What did I miss?


Details from all past 27 Dinners are recorded and listed in the sidebar (to the right of your screen); 27-1 being the first, 27-2 the second and so on. There will also be links to these historical pages on the dedicated Jozi, Pretoria, Port Elizabeth, Durban and Cape Town pages. You may review it at anytime.


How do I get involved?

Put your name on the list for an event and rock up. You won't be the only new person. The facebook group is a usefull forum to get a glimps of some of what it's all about and for some online to-and-fro while 27D is offline between events - if you know what we mean.


Where did all the cool logo's come from?


The community around 27 designed the logo's out of the goodness of their geeky hearts. 


I'm still confused, help me!


If you're still clueless (that's ok) and what to find out more about how you can get involved, email Mike (Jozi) or Dave (CT).


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