

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 11 months ago



This is where you can rant and rave about everything you love and or hate about 27Dinner in general or specific events. Try and be constructive.


Please pllace your comments at the top of the relevant list. Sugest you try and keep it to a sentence or two.


There is also much discussion to participate in at the Facebook 27Dinner Group.



Things that rock

  • Free stuff - thanx
  • PEOPLE - an awesome opportunity to meet and collaborate


Stuff that sucks

  • Bad sound
  • Long-winded death-by-PowerPoint presentations


  • Let's try a panel-discussion format sometime
  • 27D member 'groups' of 3-4 people with each taking a turn in organising a Dinner. Based on 100 people, your turn would come up once every 4 years :-)





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