

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 6 months ago

We've moved to 27dinner.com


At long last... we have a new home! 27dinner.com is where you can now find event info, sign up for dinners and interact with the 27 community. We hope you enjoy the new site - please let us have your feedback and ideas as to what we can improve, via the contact form. This wiki will stay here for historical interest :)



27-20 Durban 27th March 2008



27 is a get together, held on the 27th day of each month for geeks, marketers, entrepreneurs, writers, media practitioners, speakers - well, just about anybody who is keen - to share ideas and news and opinions over food and drink with. 27 is open to anyone who wants to attend (and/or contribute)





The Invite Key/Password to edit this page is techbum








27 March 2008 (No January Dinner)




19h00 for 19h30




UPDATE: 26 March => I have had a few queries about whether or not this is going to go ahead. I feel that with 6 people attending it might not be as effective as what it should be ?

What do you feel ? Craig suggested we maybe have one, to perhaps come up with a strategy to see how we can do this going forward. Comments welcome, feel free to email me on marcforrest@gmail.com




Marc Forrest Durbs organizer!

Stormhoek - will provide a limited amount of wine to get everyone going :-)


Any other sponsorship is welcome, contact dave@cerebra.co.za to arrange.




Limited to 35 geeks due to space constraints of the venue.


Add your name to this list if you're coming, take it off if you can't make it. If you have any issues editing the wiki, then you can email Dave (the guy at the top of the list).



  1. Marc Forrest marcforrestatgmaildotcom - Organiser & MC Dude
  2. Mohammed Jhavary - Project Manager Dude
  3. Justin Williams justinatj-jdotcodotza
  4. Duncan Withers - Random dude
  5. Yaseen Khan - Delusional Branding Dude
  6. Craig A. Adams - craigaaatkargdotcodotza
  7. Warwick Bruce Chapman - warwick atatat thusa.co.za
  8. Mike Robertson - robertsoatukzndotacdotza
  9. Edrich de Lange eddatedddotzadotnet
  10. Dudley LeRoux dudleyatogivedotcodotza



Apologies :

Vimilan Naiker - vimilan@digitalcoast.org.za (Apologies - I need to cancel - see you @ the next one)

Nicki Davies - daviesnatukzndotacdotza


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