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27-25 Cape Town 27 June 2008


To edit this page, the password is "techbum"


This is an "open-source eventing" initiative, done in the interests of industry development. The organisers are involved in the industry, but volunteer their efforts. Any sponsorship goes straight to the audience in attendance!




Free! (You only pay for the food that you order)




  • 27 Dinner Cape Town Planning Committee - we orkanize!
  • Stormhoek - will provide a limited amount of wine to get everyone going :-)
  • springleap.com - TWO Tshirts for April 27 as we couldn't work out what the comp should be in Feb....and I have to admit - I LEFT THE TSHIRT @ HOME!!!
  • PushPlay - paying for our AV equipment
  • Skyrove - sponsoring vouchers to use at The Wild Fig hotspot




The Wild Fig:


What a super venue, and the owner is a geek!


If you'd like to support 27 Dinner Cape Town, please contact Dave Duarte: info@daveduarte.co.za




Charl Norman: Building and Managing Social Networks

Eric Edelstein: The challenges and opportunities of a new startup : Springleap so far




18h30 for 19h00








50 interesting people:


(Note: it helps to put your name and email address so people can see who's coming and get in contact before-hand if necessary)



  1. Dave Duarte - info@daveduarte.co.za
  2. Rafiq Phillips
  3. Eric Edelstein (or catch me on Facebook)
  4. Jade Avinir
  5. Nikki Friedman
  6. Andrew Smit
  7. Brandon Golding
  8. Tanya Nockler Golding
  9. Jayx - Design Signature
  10. Vanessa Clark vanessa@twokats.com
  11. Storm Buckingham storm.buckingham@clickatell.com
  12. Tammy Lotz - tlotz@realmdigital.co.za
  13. Henk Kleynhans - http://www.geekrebel.com
  14. Madi Nothnagel, madi@motto.za.net
  15. Daniel Bailey
  16. Eugene Smit, eugene@bridgewater.co.za
  17. teh_wikidknickers
  18. Malcolm Croucher
  19. Charl Norman
  20. Malan Joubert - Foxinni
  21. Louise Bowley - louisebowley@gmail.com
  22. Richard Wooding - richardwooding at cavaletto72 dot com
  23. Nicola George - nicola dot george at gmail dot com 
  24. Andre Rademan - www.bizcommunity.com
  25. Nick Coyne - www.codevader.com
  26. Anne-Sophie Leens - www.apartmentstudios.net
  27. Damian Stephens - www.apartmentstudios.net
  28. JP van der Spuy - www.interactivevision.co.za   - info@interactivevision.co.za
  29. Claire McGuinness - www.quirk.biz
  30. Jan Boshoff

  31. Joey da Silva
  32. Mandy Schreiber
  33. Neil Schwartzman
  34. Glen Verran
  35. Farzaneh Behroozi
  36. Michelle Clarke
  37. Dave Mackay (david dot mackay 1 at gmail dot com)
  38. Darren Ravens
  39. Saul Wainwright (Abraham Harrison LLC)
  40. Mustapha Baboo  - Epic Digital
  41. Paul Gilowey - Cape Town Daily Photo
  42. Kerry-Anne Gilowey - Cape Town Daily Photo
  43. Phil Barrett - www.userexperience.co.za
  44. Henré Rossouw - www.blog.winecountry.co.za
  45. Jade Allen - Gatsby International
  46. Anthony Faull
  47. Allison Ross - aross@simplycolossal.org
  48. Allen Jaffe  Return on Investment Media
  49. Adam Lotz  Return on Investment Media 
  50. Pam Sykes pam at pamsykes dot com


NB: List closes at 50 people, take your name off if you can't make it PLEASE!


Reserve List:


  1. Yasser Buchana - www.genyasser.co.zawww.genyasser.co.za
  2. Gaby Rosario - gaby@realsimple.co.za
  3. Marc Zandhuis [CapeTownMagazine.com] Looking forward to finally meeting up with friends at/of 27
  4. Christopher Swart - Rudevco
  5. Tania - ProjectManagement.co.za - I don't get it... this is not really a new page, but  a copy of last month's page. Is this list still valid?
  6. Nathan Ravens
  7. Tanya Odendaal - tanya@grandstandmanagement.com
  8. Luther Diedericks www.sabusinesshub.co.za
  9. Roy Godfrey - Eishman - Eish!! (Freedom Swim Reserve Day rather not take the chance

    10.  Jo Duxbury www.freelancentral.co.za - yikes this event is getting hard to get into!



  1. Tim Shier - tim@quirk.biz (going to Swaziland)
  2. Miguel dos Santos (in the UK)
  3. Anthony Hazell (going to be in Swellendam for the weekend)
  4. Charl van Niekerk - charlvn@charlvn.za.net (Sorry guys hectically busy with work at the moment, can't come through to Cape Town - catch you all next time!!)
  5. Joke van Niekerk - jokevn@jokevn.za.net
  6. Marius Bock -- will be at the Cheese Festival all day and then have other commitments.
  7. Robynn Burls - www.encyclomedia.co.za (in Grabouw for the weekend) 
  8. Scott Hayes - www.encyclomedia.co.za (travelling somewhere between Lesotho and the Cape)
  9. Jenna Bloch
  10. Catherine Luckhoff  http://www.mango-omc.com/ - In PE on a ten day break. Sad that I'll be missing out though!
  11. Faheem Kajee - fkajee@gmail.com
  12. Allan Kent - Saatchi & Saatchi AtPlay (weekend turned out to be longer than expected...)

    Wendy Robb - Media 24

    garrick Jones - sorry, turns out it's gran's birthday dinner! (lame i know)

    Carlos Menezes - www.quirk.biz


    Christine da Silva

    Beverley Merriman

    Shelly Levin

    Gavin Levin

    Christopher Mills - Unexpected emergency, sorry.

    Dean Cannell - Apologies for the late cancellation, it appears that my teleportation device isn't working yet... and my car broke down this morning... enjoy




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