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on March 19, 2007 at 2:10:16 pm

27-4 Cape Town 27th April 2007


Password to edit this page is: 'techbum'


Please note that 27-4 in Cape Town is blogger-centric dinner. This is for a very specific reason - we don't want to exclude non-bloggers and things will return to normal with 27-5, but are simply requesting that you either make way or register your own blog quick to get on board :)





Someone left a pair of light shades at the last 27 Dinner. Contact henk at skyrove dot com if you'd like to get them back!







18h30 for 19h00



Limited to 80 BLOGGERS (if we find a suitable, larger, venue then we'll expand the list to 100 >> potentially Victoria Junction Protea Hotel)


Add your name to this list if you're coming, take it off if you can't make it. If you have any issues editing the wiki, then you can email Dave.


  1. Graham Knox graham at stormhoek dot coza
  2. Mike Stopforth mike at cerebra dot coza
  3. Dave Duarte dave at cerebra dot coza
  4. Peter Hart-Davis peterhd at gargoyle dot coza
  5. Stefano Sessa stefanodotsessaatclickatelldotcom
  6. Deon Pretorius deon at geckotec dot co za
  7. Nikki Friedman nikki dot friedman at gmail dot com
  8. Shelly Levin shellylevin at trafficsynergy dot com
  9. Neil Blakey-Milner nbm at nxsy dot org
  10. Jeremy Thurgood firxen gmail com (I'm pretty sure you're smart enough to add the punctuation...)
  11. Donna Stephen donna at urge dot co dot za
  12. Jonathan Hitchcock jonathan.hitchcock at gee-male
  13. Tertia Albertyn tertiaa at gmail dot com
  14. Shane Wilson admin at stormhoek dot co dot za
  15. Bryn Divey bryn at bryndivey dot co dot za
  16. Chris Rawlinson chrisraw at gmail dot com
  17. Rafiq Phillips rp at idrive dot co dot za
  18. Brendon Shaw thecrusa at gmail dot com
  19. Miguel dos Santos md at idrive dot co dot za
  20. Yasser Buchanayasser at intern dot co dot za
  21. Gavin Levin gavinlevin at trafficsynergy dot com
  22. Alan Levin alan at vanilla dot co dot za
  23. Henk Kleynhans
  24. Jacques Marneweck jacques plus 27dinner at powertrip.co.za
  25. Shane Dryden - themaven at ideate .co.za
  26. Andrew Smith - thebrain at ideate .co. za
  27. Fred Roed - rodrigues at ideate .co. za
  28. Mike Perk - miguelsantacruz at the heavy chef .com
  29. Ian Gilfillan - 27dinner at greenman dot coza
  30. Andrew Smit - andsmit at gmail dot com
  31. Tania - Is this event gonna have speakers? Can I speak for, like, 4 minutes and 56 seconds?
  32. John Murray - jmurray dot za at gmail dot com
  33. Michael Harris
  34. Roelof Fuls
  35. Glen Verran - Coming to you live and loud from Cape Town - studio at thezashow dot com
  36. Sarah Aitken - sarahaitken at gmail dot com
  37. Glen Adams - glen dot adams at gmail dot com
  38. Mike Scott - mike at bruandboegie coza
  39. Carly Ritz- carlyritz at gmail dot com
  40. Ceri Sawyer- ceri dot sawyer at gmail dot com
  41. Sarah Manners - sarah at quirk dot biz
  42. Arthur van Zyl - arthur dot vanzyl at clickatell dot com
  43. Maximillian Kaizen - LOL!! almost forgot to put myself on the list ..this one's gonna be a goodie :-D
  44. Joshin Raghubar - joshin at ikineo dot com
  45. Nick Coyne - nick at glasshouse dot coza
  46. Marius Bock - marius at henriska dot co dot za
  47. Victoire Albany - victoire at chilibean dot co dot za
  48. Nico Olwagen - aquilaonline at webmail dot co dot za
  49. Sarah Rice - sarah at sentientcommunications dot co dot za
  50. Christine da Silva - christine at altersage dot com
  51. Joey da Silva - joey at formfunction dot co dot za
  52. Aubrey Kilian - bug at reaper dotttttt org - I wanna be a Simba chippie! - then grow a little more my spuddy
  53. Uno 1337z0r De Waal. How about a thing that you have to submit your RSS feed... sep'rate them thar weak knees from the pirates. ahr. And then, you have to resubmit your name on the 26th, and if you don't then you forfeit your chance for blogger booty.
  54. Eric
  55. Joe Frog
  56. Clinton Arnot - clinton at proteahotels dot com
  57. Martin Hattingh
  58. Rouvanne - rouvanne at peakperformances dot co dot za
  59. Isabel Meyer - isabellameyer at gmail dot com
  60. Leo - leo.redelinghuys at sa dot 24 dot com
  61. Richard Parry - rajparry at gmail dot com
  62. Helmar Rudolph mail klammeraffe helmar punkt org ;)
  63. Jakes Redelinghuys - jakes at transmetrix dot co dot za





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