27-25 Cape Town 27 June 2008
To edit this page, the password is "techbum"
This is an "open-source eventing" initiative, done in the interests of industry development. The organisers are involved in the industry, but volunteer their efforts. Any sponsorship goes straight to the audience in attendance!
Free! (You only pay for the food that you order)
- 27 Dinner Cape Town Planning Committee - we orkanize!
- Stormhoek - will provide a limited amount of wine to get everyone going :-)
- Big Cheeze Cake - will provide a yummy cupcake for each attendee.
- springleap.com - TWO Tshirts for April 27 as we couldn't work out what the comp should be in Feb....and I have to admit - I LEFT THE TSHIRT @ HOME!!!
- Huddlemind - providing our AV equipment
- Skyrove - sponsoring vouchers to use at The Wild Fig hotspot
The Wild Fig:
What a super venue, and the owner is a geek!
If you'd like to support 27 Dinner Cape Town, please contact Dave Duarte: info@daveduarte.co.za
Thanks to Eish for blogging about the sudden disappearance of the page and for Marco providing a link to an earlier revision of the page, I thought I'd go in and fix. Hope you don't mind Dave. - Glen
Marcel Oudejans : Corporate Magician & Infotainer
A brief presentation of Marcel's unique perspective of magic & marketing, adding the "Wow!" to your marketing mix & how to get your guests & clients to talk about your events long after the party is over.
Following the other speakers, Marcel will present his internationally-acclaimed intimate & interactive strolling entertainment . Stick around & see why Marcel is requested to attend corporate events world-wide. (Oh, & if you bring a fork or a spoon, he'll do something awesome to it!)
Find out more about Marcel on http://www.corporatemagician.co.za
18h30 for 19h00
50 interesting people:
(Note: it helps to put your name and email address so people can see who's coming and get in contact before-hand if necessary)
- Dave Duarte
- Pam Sykes pam@pamsykes.com
- Tanya Odendaal tanya@grandstandmanagement.com
- Henré Rossouw henre@winecountry.co.za
- Darren Ravens
- Nathan Ravens
- Robynn Burls - Encyclomedia
- Scott Hayes - Encyclomedia
- Jo Duxbury - Freelancentral
- Jean Dennis - jean.dennis@fd.com
- Vanessa Clark - vanessa@twokats.com
- Daniel Aufrichtig - bluesouth
- Catherine Luckhoff - cath@mango-omc.com
- Bev Merriman - bev@feistyfemale.com
- Leonie Mollentze - leonie@bigcheeze.co.za
- Kerry-Anne Gilowey - August Sun Projects
- Paul Gilowey - Cape Town Daily Photo
- Glen Verran - The ZA Show Podcast
- Niki McQueen - teh_wikidknickers
- Mustapha Baboo - Epic Digital
- Luther Diedericks-www.sabusinesshub.co.za
- Brian Carl Brown - www.bluecatalyst.co.za brian at bcat dot co dot za - BLUE CATALYST assists innovative entrepreneurs with access to expertise, funding and markets at no charge! Sign up on our site (no charge). Please submit your ideas to us for assistance!
- Doug Vining - www.bluecatalyst.co.za - BLUE CATALYST assists innovative entrepreneurs with access to expertise, funding and markets at no charge! Sign up on our site (no charge). Please submit your ideas to us for assistance!
- Jamaaludeen Khan - Jayz Internet Solutions
- Jonathan Dyer - dyerjono@gmail.com
- Jan Boshoff Traffic Brand
- Mandy Schreiber Traffic Brand
- Zayne Upton - White Wall Web
- Tania de Kock - tania@chameleoncoatings.co.za
- Louise Bowley louisebowley@gmail.com Food Fundis; Private Caterer and Cooking Lessons (5* dinners in your own home for small functions and get togethers)
- Tania (a different Tania) - ProjectManagement.co.za
- Christopher Swart - Rudevco
- Ayesha Yosuf
- Johan Grobler, copywriter, johanemersongrobler@cybersmart.co.za
- Roy Godfrey AKA Eishman Eish!!
- Arthur van Zyl - arthur@bluorb.co.za
- Charl Norman - www.charlnorman.com
- Joey da Silva - www.formfunction.co.za
- Christine da Silva - christine @ altersage.com
- JP van der Spuy - www.mytrade.co.za and www.interactivevision.co.za
- Devonne Burger - www.mytrade.co.za
- Allen Jaffe R.O.I Media
- Adam Lotz R.O.I Media
NB: List closes at 50 people, take your name off if you can't make it PLEASE!
Reserve List:
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