27-9 Cape Town 27 August 2007
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This is pretty-much an "open-source eventing" initiative, done in the interests of industry development.
The organisers are involved in the industry, but volunteer their efforts.
Any sponsorship goes straight to the audience in attendance.
More info: http://27dinner.pbwiki.com/
(You only pay for the food that you order)
- Cerebra - we orkanize!
- Symantec - Picking up the Sound and Lighting tab
- Stormhoek - will provide a limited amount of wine to get everyone going :-)
- Lingham Capital Making an investment in desserts.
- Missing Link - Video
- Zoopy.com - Sponsoring 2 Sony DVD cameras and 3 Apple Video Ipod's for 27dinner video and picture contributions.
Also, see the 27dinner channel (videos and photos) on Zoopy
- Ikineo - Making sure that speakers don't have to pay for their own dinner :-D
- Charly's Bakery - Providing all attendees with a bit of chocolate goodness, gift wrapped to take home after the event. (Unfortunately they were under to pressure to whip up the goods this month, promise to deliver properly next time)
- eSquared Fashion - Tshirt Prize from the funky clothing store @ 11 Regent Road, Sea Point.
If you'd like to support 27dinner, please contact Dave Duarte: dave@cerebra.co.za
Relish Restaurant
70 New Church Street, Cape Town
Tel: <
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18h30 for 19h00
100 interesting people:
(Note: it helps to put your name and email address so people can see who's coming and get in contact before-hand if necessary)
- Jacques
- Richard Parry
- Malan Joubert - Foxinni.com
- Dave Duarte dave@cerebra.co.za
- Enver Ravat eravat2@gmail.com
- Jason Kasuto jaone1@gmail.com
- Yasser Buchana yasser AT intern DOT co DOT za
- Ernst Kuschke

- Chris Rawlinson chris@stormhoek.co.za
- Jason jason at zoopy dot com
- Gerry gerry at zoopy dot com
- Pat pat at zoopy dot com
- Jackie Ellse - WeddingSA.co.za
- Brett Reid - Active Ice
- Mike De Bruin - Active Ice
- Donald Jackson
- Catherine Luckhoff MANGO-OMC dot COM
- Shelly Levin
- Gavin Levin
- Eric Edelstein - Who needs DESSERT when we have interesting questions from the panel to look forward to?
- DaviD Jacobs - aka Digin
- Mitchell Geere
- Join-Leigh Doran
- Jenna Bloch jenna dot daniel at gmail dot com
- Beverley Merriman (bev at ripplepro dot co dot za)
- Dirk Tolken - PERONii Solutions - PS I might need a lift ;-)
- Tammy Lotz - Realmdigital
- Wesley Lynch - Realmdigital
- Andrew Rens - Intellectual Property Fellow, The Shuttleworth Foundation
- Craig Wilson
- Bernadette Gordon
- Maximillian Kaizen
- Brendt Brooks - Blueworld
- Michael Wiles
- Johann Schwella johann (at) shapeshift (dot) co (dot) za
- Heinrich Schwella heinrich (at) dwp (dot) co (dot) za
- Uno De Waal
- Ricky Van Der Walt ricky (at) shapeshift (dot) co (dot) za
- Christine da Silva christine at altersage dot com
- The Digital Pilgrim (now leave me down here Mr Duarte... maybe home I'll get dessert this time! ;)
- Chris Rolfe
- Miguel dos Santos - md at idrive dot co dot za
- Patrick Gibson www.precisionnetworks.co.za
- Joanne Simon (joanne@precisionnetworks.co.za" _fcksavedurl=">joanne@precisionnetworks.co.za" _fcksavedurl=">joanne@precisionnetworks.co.za" _fcksavedurl=">joanne@precisionnetworks.co.za" style="color: rgb(0, 102, 32); background-color: rgb(255, 249, 171);" href="mailto:joanne@precisionnetworks.co.za">joanne@precisionnetworks.co.za)
- Andrew Smit
- Natalie Jean Earle (The Children's Hospital Trust) nearle@ich.uct.ac.za
- Stu Hoy - www.integer.co.za
- Michaela Goodes - michaelle@8inkmedia.com
- Francois Irvine - Visual Artist
- Heather Thompson
- Jonathan Thompson
- Mike Perk - www.worldwidecreative.co.uk
- Fred Roed - www.worldwidecreative.co.uk
- Nicola - www.worldwidecreative.co.uk
- Joshin Raghubar joshin at ikineo dot com
- Anton Raimondo - anton17sa@yahoo.co.uk
- Linda Brown www.liquidlimestudios.com
- Chris du Toit - cdutoit at gmail dot com
- Ian Gilfillan
- Anthony Faull
- Abdul Hadi Fakier afakier@uwc.ac.za
- Glynn Venter - FCB
- Roy Godfrey - Eish!! eishblog at gmail dot com
- Melody Kerchhoff - mel at gypsybytes dot co dot za
- Nicholas Hall - nickhallsa at gmail dot com
- Stefano Sessa
- Rentia Venter rentia.venter@gsec.co.za
- Jo Duxbury - jo at freelancentral.co.za
- Isabel Meyer isabel at ikineo.dot.com
- phil.rado@iname.com
- Storm Buckingham
- David McLennan 416.dave @ gmail dot com
- Paul Cartmel - paul@silverminute.com
- Shawn Jooste
- Carlos Menezes - Quirk
- Claire McGuinness - Quirk
- Tim - Quirk
- Tristan Owen - MyVideo
- Quirk
- Claire McGuinness - Quirk
- Tim - Quirk
- Tristan Owen - MyVideo
- Rowan Polovin - MyVideo
- Michael Salzwedel - MyVideo
- Lauren Cohen - Sunday Times
- Richard Craib - richardcraib at gmail.com
- Leza du Toit - leza.dutoit at gmail.com
- Ryan F. Mettler
- Rafiq Phillips
- Paul Gilowey - paul.gilowey+27 at gmail.com
- Kerry-Anne Gilowey - kerryanne at augustsun.co.za
- Marius Bock - marius at henriska dot co dot za
- Shaun O'Connell - ndorfin at the gmail of com
- Dirk Visser - dirk at dendrite dot co dot za
- Abraham Van Der Merve - abz at frogfoot dot net
- Rowan Jacklin - rowanjacklin at gmail.com
- Ronelle Bester at redribbon
- Deirdre van Zyl Smit at redribbon
- Tony Seifart - down with the flu - won't make it (@#$@#@) - who wants my spot? Bevan Ducasse will take your place?
- Glen Verran - studio at thezashow dot com - PodCampCapeTown is going to ROCK!
- Benny Ou
Ok, that's it for now. List closed, and we're slightly over-booked, but we'll make a plan.
WAITING LIST (Just on the off chance that there are some late cancellations):
- Alistair Fairweather
- Tracey Steyn - maybe the weather will be really bad and a cosy night at home will be more appealing to some
- Mustapha Baboo
- Verashni Pillay (also on the off chance that there'll be space :) )
- Chris Rolfe - moved to 48
- Will Green - will dot green at apurimacmedia dot com
- Elaine Rumboll (Just realised I had to do the Business acumen for Artists programme on that night but have sent a friend in my place)- erumboll@gsb.uct.ac.za
- Phil Barrett. UserExperience.co.za
- Alistair Fairweather (now I'll definitely make the cut for the next dinner)
- Tracey Steyn
- Storm van der Merwe
- Mitchell Geere
- Join-Leigh Doran
- Christo Greeff (christo dot greeff at gmail dot com)
- Verashni Pillay
- Will Green - will dot green at apurimacmedia dot com
- Tania - Too much work, won't survive another late night.
- Marius Cloete
- Joey da Silva joey at formfunction dot co dot za
- Trevor Kinnear trevor at moodia dot co dot za
- Matt Stevens - Search Engine Optimization (SEO) at Metjuz
- René van der Westhuizen - www.viridian.co.za - Coming to meet the SEO experts!
- Heinrich Schwella - hschwella at skig dot co dot za
- Tony Seifart - tony at webexposure dot co dot za
- Rowan Jacklin - rowanjacklin at gmail.com
- de Waal Steyn
Someone left a pair of light shades at the last 27 Dinner. Contact henk at skyrove dot com if you'd like to get them back!
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