27-6 Cape Town 27th June 2007
To Edit this page, the password is "techbum"
(You only pay for the food that you order)
This is pretty-much an "open-source eventing" initiative, done in the interests of industry development.
The organisers are involved in the industry, but volunteer their efforts.
Any sponsorship goes straight to the audience in attendance.
More info: http://27dinner.pbwiki.com/
- Cerebra - we orkanize!
- Stormhoek - will provide a limited amount of wine to get everyone going :-)
- Missing Link - Video
- Zoopy.com - Sponsoring 2 Sony DVD cameras for 27dinner video and picture contributions.
Also, see the 27dinner channel (videos and photos) on Zoopy
If you'd like to support 27dinner, please contact Dave Duarte: dave@cerebra.co.za
Cape Town Hotel school restaurant, Beach road, Mouille point
About the hotel school: http://active.cput.ac.za/ahsa/public/index.asp?pageid=436
Sexy Marketing Page: http://www.showcook.com/Hotel%20School.htm
It's next door door to the Radisson hotel, which is next door to the Waterfront.
18h30 for 19h00
100 interesting people:
- Dave Gale - dave (at) hittingthewire.co.za >> Talking
- Dave Duarte dave@cerebra.co.za wiki wiki MC dave@cerebra.co.za
- The Yeigo VOIPsters x 3 - Rapelang, Wilter and Lungisa >> Making nice presentation
- Emma Kaye
- Max Kaizen max.kaizen@gmail.com
- Graham Knox graham@stormhoek.co.za >> Saying hello
- Christopher Rawlinson chrisraw@gmail.com
- Jason jason at zoopy dot com >> May say a word or two about a video camera :)
- Pat pat at zoopy dot com
- Gerry gerry at zoopy dot com
- Jacques jacques at powertrip dot co dot za
- Jackie Ellse - http://www.stonewall.co.za
- Brett Reid - http://www.activeice.co.za
- Clive Zagno
- Mustapha Baboo
- Storm Hugo storm at altersage dot com
- Christine da Silva christine at altersage dot com
- Joey da Silva joey at formfunction dot co dot za
- Tania
- Sparrows (provided that a rock concert or an ad hoc invitation to some general debaucherous activity doesn't get in the way this time)
- Ceri Sawyer ceri dot sawyer at gmail dot com
- Marius Bock marius at henriska dot co dot za
- Nikki Friedman Nikki dot Friedman at gmail dot com
- Alan Alston
- Joshin Raghubar joshin at ikineo dot com
- Kevin Tucker kevinatpricecheckdotcodotza
- Miguel dos Santos mdatidrivedotcodotza
- Yasser Buchana yasser at intern dot co dot za
- Donna Stephen - donna at urge dot coza
- Justin Zehmke - justin dot zehmke at teamtalkmedia dot coza
- Sarah Rice - sarah at sentientcommunicaitons dot coza
- Richard Parry - rajparry@gmail.com
- Henk Kleynhans - www.yeahfi.com
- Mignon Lotz-Keyser - mignon at peerpower dot coza
- Dave Fair - withnail@polka.co.za
- -t-Rafiq Phillips - http://www.google.com/search?q=rafiq
- Ramon Thomas - ramon at ramonthomas.com (NETucation)
- David Wessels - SARugby.com
- Adi Hope-Bailie - SARugby.com
- Stelio Gouveia
- Marc Z | marc at capetownmagazine dot comhttp://www.capeTownMagazine.com
- Andrew Smit andsmit at gmail.com
- Jenna Bloch - jenna.daniel@gmail.com
- Nicholas Hall nickhallsa at gmail dot com
- Catherine Lückhoff from MANGO-OMC - cath at mango-omc dot com
- Stefano Sessa - Clickatell
- Sarah Blake - sarahblake at gmail dot com
- Parri Lückhoff AFRIQUA parri at afriqua dot co.za
- Petra Steyn at cape2joy@yahoo.com
- Igor Najbicz igor.najbicz@barloworldmotor.com
- Quintin Smith schnoekie@gmail.com
- Allen Jaffe allen.jaffe@gmail.com
- Phil Barrett - userexperience.co.za
- Debre Barrett
- Linda Brown
- Amy Brooke- amylbrooke at gmail dot com
- Robin Ronne
- Ross Douglass
- De Waal Steyn dsteyn1@dieburger.com
- Daryn Smith - daryn at loadtheshow.com
- Galen Hossack - galen at loadtheshow.com
- Craig Wilson - New around these parts and wants to see what all the fuss is about :)
- Bernadette Gordon
- Cindy Reynders - PlayUKinternet
- David Thomas - PlayUKinternet
- Tammy Lotz - Realmdigital
- Jane Ferreira- janef at rsp dot co dot za
- Shelly Levin - have you seen the new Adrands to get traffic 2 your website or blog today?
- Gavin Levin
- Eric Edelstein - Eric is still on an Adrenallllllin RUSH after his 1st Talk @ Toastmasters last night
- Tamara Wiley - Yeigo
- Glen Verran - studio at thezashow dot com
- Adin van Ryneveld - The Plus Two Seven Ubuntu Initiative
- Storm Buckingham
- John Fearon
- Julian Gordon - Jewish Shaman Geek
- Lyn de la Motte - Illustrator, artist and shaman
- Joe Frog SwimGeek
- Ernst Kuschke - techno-guru dotnet.org.za/ernst
- Malan - I'm Foxinni - NE
- Rowan Polovin - MyVideo
- Tristan Owen - MyVideo
- Mike Salzwedel - MyVideo
- Lauren Cohen - Sunday Times
- Brendon Shaw - Yeigo
- JT Melville - Yeigo
- Uno de Waal
- Mitchell Geere - mitchellgeere.com
- Joni-Leigh Doran - joni-leigh.com
- Barrie Swart - bswart@dieburger.com
- David Laing - david@synthasite.com
- Brent Viljoen - brent@synthasite.com
- Dirk Tolken - PERONii Solutions
- Jason Hobbs - www.jh-01.com
- Vinny Lingham janine@synthasite.com
- Charlene Lingham
- Lorynne McGurk (coming hungry) lorynne@strictlyblonde.com / lorynne_mcgurk@bat.com Strictly Blonde
- Johan Heyns (coming hungry) Ikwazi Telecoms
- Gregory Jacques (coming hungry) greg@ikwazi.com
- Hilton Giesenow
- Lesley Dean
- Donald Jackson (fashionably late)
- Beverley Merriman
List is CLOSED.
- Jeremy Thurgood firxen gmail com (fill in the dots...) -- In what is becoming a depressingly regular turn of events, something with higher priority has come up. :-/
- Keith Waters - keith /at/ waters /dot/ coza - one day I'll actually make it!
- Alan Levin - apologies, family demands....
- Marius Cloete - Pavatile.co.za
- Bryn Divey - I have things in my lungs
- Ian Gilfillan 27 at greenman dot coza - not feeling up to it unfortunately
Someone left a pair of light shades at the last 27 Dinner. Contact henk at skyrove dot com if you'd like to get them back!
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