

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 11 months ago

27-13 Cape Town 27 December 2007


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This is an "open-source eventing" initiative, done in the interests of industry development. The organisers are involved in the industry, but volunteer their efforts. Any sponsorship goes straight to the audience in attendance!




Free! (You only pay for the food that you order)




  • 27 Dinner Cape Town Planning Committee - we orkanize!
  • Stormhoek - will provide a limited amount of wine to get everyone going :-)



Haven't decided yet - but somewhere summery and fun. Any suggestions?

As usual, I still think that this would be summery, sundownery and good -- Tania

Tania, I would not mind! Muldersvlei was my very first home ever... -- Stii

Am keen for something a little more central or even southern - how about Polana in Kalk Bay? - Jo

How about a picnic? - Dave

It is a nice idea. ''Picnics are possible at Joostenberg. They have a big lawn, and kids can also come. Or can anyone think of another picnic venue? -- Tania

The lawns at Groot Constantia are lovely too - near Simon's restaurant. - Jo


2007.12.27 Since no venue's been chosen and it's 27 December today, am I correct in assuming that this event is cancelled?''


If you'd like to support 27 Dinner Cape Town, please contact Dave Duarte: info@daveduarte.co.za




18h30 for 19h00




Some interesting people:


(Note: it helps to put your name and email address so people can see who's coming and get in contact before-hand if necessary)


  1. Dave Duarte - info@daveduarte.co.za
  2. Jo Duxbury www.freelancentral.co.za - do we have to wear Santa hats? :-)
  3. Emma Kingdon - kingdon@cliffe-dekker.com
  4. Shawn Jooste www.shawnsweekly.com - I second the Santa hats Jo !
  5. Paul Gilowey - www.capetowndailyphoto.com
  6. Kerry-Anne Gilowey - www.capetowndailyphoto.com
  7. Joshin Rag hubar www.ikineo.com
  8. Tony Seifart - www.webexposure.co.za - tony @ webexposure . co . za
  9. Sasha Botha - sasha@bluesouth.com
  10. Amanda Greeff (Steps Engineering) - thinkbig@ananzi.co.za
  11. Jacques MostertDesign Signature
  12. Anthony Faull - tinyfb.com/ant
  13. Beverley Merriman - bev@feistyfemale.com
  14. Jamie Merriman - jamie@ripplepro.co.za
  15. Eric
  16. Charl Norman - Update//cant make it, still away );
  17. Rafiq Phillips


Tammy Lotz - www.realmdigital.co.za

  1. Andre Bothma - bothmamail at gmail dot com
  2. Jacques Marneweck + 1
  3. Stii - Maybe/hopefully...
  4. Linda Brown
  5. Marc Cicatello
  6. Adeleida Bingham - abingham@autumnleaf.co.za
  7. Brandon Golding - brandon@ois.co.za
  8. Tanya Nockler Golding - tanya@ois.co.za
  9. Jeremy Setzer - jeremyksetzer@yahoo.com
  10. Wendren Milford - wendren@yahoo.com
  11. Lee Jin

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