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27-15 Jozi 27th November 2007






The Password to edit this page is techbum





Confirmed Speakers for 27Dinner Jozi - November are as follows:

- David Theron (iMob) on "The Mobile Experience - the power of individual choice"

- Afrigator Boys have a surprise for us

- Open mic


Please put down your suggestions for Open Mic speakers at 27 Dinner Jozi for November:







Primi Melrose Arch





18h30 for 19h00






Stormhoek - will provide a limited amount of wine to get everyone going!


Any other sponsorship is welcome, contact mike@cerebra.co.za to arrange.





Limited to 100 geeks due to space constraints of the venue.


Add your name to this list if you're coming, take it off if you can't make it. If you have any issues editing the wiki, then you can email mike@cerebra.co.za.


  1. Mike Stopforth mike at cerebra dot coza (MC)
  2. Erik de Jager erik at whatwewant dot co za
  3. Ramon Thomas (NETucation) ramon at ramonthomas.com
  4. Marc Ashwell marc at ashwell dot co za
  5. Merle Dieterich at http://www.jozikids.co.za
  6. Abby Wakama at http://www.itnewsafrica.com
  7. Yusuf Mahomedy at http://www.worksucks.co.za
  8. Stii Pretorius - http://stii.za.net
  9. Paul Jacobson - email
  10. Armand du Plessis
  11. Grant Shippey at www.amorphous.net
  12. Benny Ou at Reflex
  13. Matthew Lee Son at Bosasa
  14. Allan Lee Son at Bosasa
  15. Muzi Buthelezi | muzi At amadigital Dot com
  16. Noto Modungwa
  17. Pria Chetty [pria@chettylaw.co.za]
  18. Justin Hartman justin at hartman.za.com
  19. Palesa Sibeko palesa at cerebra dot co dot za
  20. Deshanta Naidoo deshanta at cerebra dot co dot za
  21. Lisa Labuschagne lisaphysio at mweb dot co dot za
  22. Carl Spies carl at cerebra dot co dot za
  23. Candice Holgate - Funk that!
  24. Donna Ashton - Funk that!
  25. Mr M - Funk that!
  26. Charl van Rooyen charl at quirk dot biz
  27. Jemima Ashton-Allen jemima at yebo dot co dot za
  28. Darren Gorton - dgorton at webafrica . org . za
  29. Charl Norman - Blueworld.co.za, Zoopedup
  30. Simone Puterman, http://marketing.bizcommunity.com http://blog.bizcommunity.com
  31. Nikki Hill
  32. Nick Herbert - www.imob.co.za
  33. Dave Theron - www.imob.co.za speaker
  34. Beverley Merriman - www.feistyfemale.com
  35. Andre Odendaal - aodendaal at gmail dot com
  36. Annicia Manyaapelo - annicia@nich-innovations.com
  37. Richard John Walton - www.johnboy.co.za - richard at johnboy dot co dot za
  38. Craig Nicholson - http://craign.net/
  39. Tamsyn Daddy
  40. Graeme Cumming gcumming at gmail dot com
  41. Lantz Mattinson afromedia at gmail dot com - www.afromedia.co.za
  42. Brandon Tancott (MD) - Sightings Design -www.sightings-design.co.za
  43. Vaughn du Preez - Sighitngs Design - www.sightings-design.co.za
  44. Tyler Reed - tyler at younique dot co dot za
  45. Devon Ellett - devon at younique dot co dot za
  46. Michael Balkind - mic at jhblive dot com
  47. Paul Johnston - paul at prophecy dot co za
  48. Gian Visser - Afrihost.com
  49. Brendan Armstrong - Afrihost.com
  50. Neil Croft - info at smsbug dot com
  51. Antonia Morgado - Senior Designer, Espial, antonia dot morgado at gmail dot com
  52. Eugene Opperman - CANCELLED
  53. Gavin Symanowitz - gavin at marketingmayhem dot coza
  54. Kerrin Black - kerrin at talentfinders dot com - www.talentfinders.com
  55. Heidi Kumpf - Senior Designer, Espial
  56. Brent Aitken
  57. Sepanta Bagherpour - Brand Manager, Nando's
  58. Raymond Orton - Creative Director, Re:Public
  59. Des Snyman - Hair Stylist
  60. Paul Bedford - paul at cytec.co.za
  61. Colette Symanowitz - info at mbaconnect dot coza
  62. Derek Richardson aka TheBandit SOUND REPUBLIC WEBSITE
  63. Bheku Msimanga, Java Developer, www.dhs.co.za
  64. Tracy Thompson
  65. Adriano Iorio adrianoi redfivelabs.com www.redfivelabs.com
  66. Alfred Foden alfred at dmcjewellery.co.za
  67. Anna Foden anna at dmcjewllery.co.za
  68. Calvin Maphatswana - on the map management
  69. Thando Msomi - on the map management
  70. Karabo Lekoape - on the map management
  71. Stephan Mkhawane
  72. Rainer Schmid - rainer at quirk dot biz
  73. Mary Mzumara - Quirk
  74. Colin Daniels - The Times
  75. Justin Hartman - The Times
  76. Gregor Rohrig - The Times
  77. Carly Ritz - The Times
  78. Sarah Whigham
  79. Amo Ramabenyane
  80. Thulani Makhathini
  81. Danie Roux http://danieroux.com
  82. Christa Roux
  83. Nic Haralambous - Financial Mail, SA Rocks
  84. Ferdie Bester - www.Clickmaven.net - ferdie at clickmaven.net
  85. Luis de Sousa - luisd ahat syeop co.za
  86. John Ginsberg - Ensight
  87. Melanie Hall - Ensight
  88. Mark Forrester - http://www.markforrester.co.za
  89. Linda Thompson linda at omtd.co.za
  90. Angus MacArthur angus at roadangel.co.za
  91. Doug Vining futurenova.goingon.com
  92. Peter Ypenburg - AdCast, Bluetooth solutions made real.
  93. Nhlanhla Mahlangu - Std bank
  94. Eve Dmochowska eved@ideabank.coza
  95. Courtenay Farquharson - sharepointexpert.co.za
  96. Wes Blackmore - M-Net New Media
  97. Donna McCallum donna at fairy godmother inc dot com
  98. Fulvia Becatti from Marketing Mix magazine, on fbecatti@gmail.com
  99. Vincent Maher
  100. Mark Clarke http://www.jumpingbean.co.za
  101. Roger Saner www.macgeek.co.za

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