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27 Dinner Guidelines

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 6 months ago

Maximum 60 people at any 27 dinner


Print out the wiki as a guestlist for the evening


Basic Requirements:

  • A venue that serves dinner
  • A projector and screen
  • A whiteboard and Koki's


Guidelines for presenters:

  • A Keynote talk is 15 minutes long (Maximum 1 per dinner)
  • A sponsor presentation is 3 minutes long (maximum 1 per evening)
  • A standard talk is 10minutes long (1 per evening)
  • A Pecha Kucha presentation: 20 slides, 20 seconds per slide = 6mins40secs (1 per evening)


Other Guidelines:


Great input from Brandon Golding:


Due to the high demand for places, and limited space, there is a danger of this event being percieved as being elitist, and not welcoming to new-comers. Possible solutions:

  •  5-10 seats should be reserved for for 1st time attendees t
  • a more complex option might be to have membership and members being entitled to bringing 1-2 new guests every event.
  • I think that this should be put to the group or at least a delegated ‘think tank’



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